Emerging Franchise Brands

Franchise Operations Manuals, Guides, and Playbooks for Emerging Franchise Brands

Emerging franchise brands usually have a few more units than a newly launched system. You’ve trained multiple operators, maybe been around for a few years. Your systems are more mature and stable. You’re ready to invite others to follow your model. We’ll help make sure you’re ready.

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Emerging Franchise Brands

PopeyesTSCChili'sx3Shae's CFABrinkerStevie B's


Starting from $17,500
A Good Franchise Operations Manual Will…
  • Protect your brand
  • Establish standards
  • Ensure consistency
  • Improve compliance
  • Serve as basis for training
  • Simplify support
  • Grow with you
  • Be easy to update

Create a System for Growth

You’re not documenting your business, you’re documenting your business model. Franchisees don’t buy BBQ restaurants or massage studios, they buy business systems and brands. You can’t grow if you don’t have a system. That starts with the operations manual.

Plan for Change

You’re not perfect, and you never will be. But gaps in your system and processes will be exposed with your first franchisee. Having experienced advisors can make those gaps smaller and more manageable, requiring less re-work between franchisees one and two (and two to three).

Streamline Training and Support

A good measure of how good your processes are is to ask yourself “Can I train a dentist to run this business?” – because your franchisees will come from all walks of life. Your operations manual is the basis for your training programs, especially at first. Train them. Support them. Help them succeed.

We’ll help you get your franchise operations manual ready.

Tailored to your stage, goals, and budget.

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“[We] would recommend other companies build their procedures out fully, before starting an operation. It gave us a better foundation for training, and helped us communicate our standards more clearly.”

“Our company information was all over the place – intranet, personal drives, printed binders… Manual Makers helped us get our arms around what we had and what needed to be . . .

“I was forced to think through all my internal and external components and factors that I had not had time or the capacity to review before. It changed how I . . .